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Pesticide Action Network

If you haven’t yet said ‘no’ to pesticides in soap…

Back in January, we let you know about an opportunity to add your voice to the growing public and scientific momentum to ban triclosan – a toxic, persistent chemical found in 75% of Americans – from everyday products. The EPA has extended the deadline to receive public comment on its upcoming decision until April 8.

Triclosan is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial ingredient in soap, body products, clothing, and plastic toys. The potential problem with using an antibiotic everywhere is that it becomes less effective when we really need it: to combat serious infections such as E. coli and Salmonella. Research has shown that triclosan may indeed be reducing the effectiveness of treatment against these and other dangerous bacteria.

We also know that it adversely affects our immune system, thyroid function, and sperm production. It also breaks down into chemicals that can compromise fetal development.

The real kicker is that it’s no more effective at preventing disease than regular soap and water.

Take Action» If you haven’t joined PAN, Beyond Pesticides, and more than 80 other public health and environmental organizations calling for a reversal of triclosan’s omnipresence and associated health threats, now is the time to add your voice.

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Pesticide Action Network

Pesticide Action Network is dedicated to advancing alternatives to pesticides worldwide. Follow @pesticideaction

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