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Pesticide Action Network

Public outcry blocks worst of Iowa ‘Ag Gag’ bill

Last week, the Iowa Senate amended and passed the controversial Ag Gag Bill, which originally criminalized reporting of conditions at agricultural operations in the state.

Thanks to a great deal of public opposition to the original bill, including from PAN supporters, amendments removed all language about recordings taken of agricultural operations. The bill now focuses on tougher penalties for anyone who obtains access to agricultural operations under false pretenses.

Opponents of the bill support the changes, but still find the bill unnecesssary at best.  According to Sen. Matt McCoy:

I just think this is incredibly bad public policy for a nonexistent problem that is being worked across the country by big ag that doesn’t want to play by the rules and has had it their way for a long time.

The revised bill is now waiting for Governor Branstad's signature.

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Pesticide Action Network

Pesticide Action Network is dedicated to advancing alternatives to pesticides worldwide. Follow @pesticideaction

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