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Pesticide Action Network

Vermont passes first “no strings” law to label GMOs

whatsonmyfood 600Earlier today, the Vermont legislature passed a bill to ensure genetically engineered (GE) food, or food containing GE ingredients, is clearly labeled.  Connecticut and Maine have passed related laws, but both contain trigger clauses and have not yet gone into effect. When Governor Shumlin signs the Vermont bill into law, which he is expected to do, Vermont will be the first state to mandate GE labeling.

Last week, the State Senate passed the bill and today the House voted 114-30 in its favor. Once the bill is signed, GE food (also known as GMOs) will be labeled in Vermont starting July 1, 2016.

In response to this news, Paul Towers, spokesperson for Pesticide Action Network, made the following statement:

“The Vermont legislature took a bold and important stand today for the rights of consumers to know what’s in our food and how it’s grown. For too long, pesticide and GE seed corporations — along with other Big Food interests — have thwarted GE labeling efforts in states across the country. They want to keep consumers in the dark to continue expanding markets for their products.

Vermont’s landmark legislation is not only a victory for state residents, but a win for all of us who support transparency and labeling. We deserve the right to choose what we feed our families — and the type of food and farming system we want to support.”


Media contact: Paul Towers, 916-216-1082 or 808-206-8868

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Pesticide Action Network

Pesticide Action Network is dedicated to advancing alternatives to pesticides worldwide. Follow @pesticideaction

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